use a language

美 [juːz ə ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]英 [juːz ə ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]
  • 使用语言
use a languageuse a language
  1. Slightly more sophisticated is to catch wider spans of code , but to use a language 's introspection capabilities to report traceback information


  2. We have to use a language by following the different cultural rules .


  3. The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language .


  4. Use a language that you 're comfortable with : All that changes is the subject matter .


  5. The first technique is to use a language specific operator that will perform an object level comparison .


  6. As a basic skill in mastering a foreign language , writing ability shows the students ' comprehensive competence to use a language .


  7. Foreign language writing considered as the most difficult skill in language learning is a productive skill in language acquisition , which reflects learners ' ability to use a language .


  8. After our research on local optimization strategy of semiconductor device parameter extraction , we propose to use a language to describe optimization strategies and design a specific strategy description larguage .


  9. A student who has learnt a lot of grammar but who cannot use a language is in the position of a pianist who has learnt a lot about harmony but cannot play the piano .


  10. One solution to this problem is to use a functional language designed to scale .


  11. Vocabulary is the basis of understanding and making use of a language .


  12. A trade name is the practical use of a language in daily life .


  13. How many people can use such a language correctly and fluently ?


  14. Why not simply use a programming language


  15. There are a couple of ways to use a scripting language .


  16. Students ' ability to understand by listening demonstrates their ability to use a foreign language .


  17. Syntax : The rules of grammar regulating the use of a language .


  18. The central controller node could use a flow language to store the desired workflow sequences .


  19. This is very inspiring in a better use of a language and parable .


  20. Very few people learn to use a foreign language as wellas a native speaker does .


  21. Let 's be frank here , what use is a language if it has different spellings everywhere ?


  22. The program helps to develop skills to use a foreign language , expertise in information technology and ability to communicate effectively with people .


  23. The bloating of information is a characteristic of modern business society , which use a business language that is accountancy as its carrier .


  24. Selenium-RC allows the test automation developer to use a programming language for maximum flexibility and extensibility in developing test logic .


  25. Messages use a standard language , such as XML . ( You can use any format as the standard one , depending on your needs . )


  26. According to the behaviorist learning theory , foreign language learners should understand and use a foreign language like their mother language beyond the process of translating .


  27. XML has become such an important part of technology that it is only natural to use a programming language that has XML support built in to its syntax .


  28. Which Park : I 'm not a very frank person & I chose to use a second language to express myself more deftly .


  29. For the students to combine the ability to use a foreign language with the cross-language culture will broaden their outlook , enlarge their knowledge and improve their understanding to the world .


  30. Pragmatic competence is an important component of the communicative competence . It can be considered as the ability to use a target language tactfully and appropriately in a certain context .
